The construction of the pyramids of Egypt has fascinated historians, archaeologists, and visitors for centuries. The massive structures built more than 4,500 years ago are an awe-inspiring feat of engineering and precision, with each stone weighing several tons. However, the question of who built the pyramids has long been a contentious issue. For many years, the popular belief was that the pyramids were built by slaves forced to work under brutal conditions. This view was perpetuated by Hollywood movies and other popular media, but it has been largely debunked by modern archaeology and historical research. Historical and archaeological evidence now suggests that the pyramids were not built by slaves but by skilled craftspeople and laborers who were well-compensated for their work. Ancient Egyptian society was highly organized, with a sophisticated system of labor and taxation. The construction of the pyramids was not a one-time event but a massive public works project that spanned several generations. Construction of the Pyramids The pyramids were built during the Old Kingdom period of ancient Egypt, between 2686 and 2181 BCE. The three most famous pyramids are located at Giza, near modern-day Cairo. The first pyramid built at Giza was the Pyramid of Khufu (also known as the Great Pyramid). It was completed around 2560 BCE and was initially 146 meters tall. Today, it stands at 138 meters tall, due to erosion and the removal of the limestone casing that once covered the monument. The second Giza pyramid, the Pyramid of Khafre, was completed around 2520 BCE and stands at 136 meters tall. The third pyramid, the Pyramid of Menkaure, was completed around 2490 BCE and stands at 62 meters tall. The construction of the pyramids required an enormous amount of labor, materials, and coordination. The blocks used to build the pyramids were quarried from nearby limestone deposits, and then transported to the building site. These blocks could weigh several tons apiece and were carefully cut to fit together without mortar. The precise technique used to shape the blocks is still uncertain, although evidence suggests that the ancient Egyptians used copper chisels and stone hammers to shape the stones. The blocks were then transported to the building site, where teams of workers used ramps and pulleys to hoist them into place. The workers who built the pyramids came from all walks of life, including farmers and craftsmen. They were drafted into service and often worked on the pyramids for several months each Who Built The Pyramids? Who Built The Pyramids?
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